• Dentistry

    Dentistry for Horses Like people, horses can develop dental problems. Also like people, some horses can be stoic in the face of major dental pain while a minor dental issue may compromise the performance of a more sensitive horse. This is why horses need regular exams to maximize their dental health. Foals

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  • Diagnostic Imaging

    Diagnostic imaging allows veterinarians to see inside a horse’s body without the need for surgery. X-rays are probably the best-known type of diagnostic imaging, but many others are available to help diagnose illnesses and other health problems in horses. Each type of diagnostic imaging has its own

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  • Digestive Health

    A horse’s digestive system begins with the mouth, ends with the anus and incorporates all the organs in between that are involved in consuming and processing food. Its purpose is fourfold: to digest food, absorb nutrients, move food through the digestive tract and eliminate waste products in the form

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  • Oral Health for Felines

    In addition to nutrition and weight management, oral care is another component that plays a part in a cat’s overall health. By lessening plaque buildup and stopping the plaque from forming dental tartar, you can prevent or control periodontal (gum) disease in your cat. Destruction of the teeth, tongue,

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  • Feline Stomatitis: Treatments

    Cats rarely display their pain, but cats with feline stomatitis are often the exception. If your cat appears to have mouth pain, is reluctant to eat, doesn't want to groom, is drooling, and doesn't want you to open its mouth, it may be suffering from this debilitating, degenerative oral condition, and

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  • Hairballs

    Cat owners are all too familiar with that distinctive sound that cats making when trying to expel a hairball, often in the middle of the night. However, did you know that coughing up hairballs is crucial to your cat? The inability to do so can result in a deadly intestinal blockage. Anatomy of a Hairball Cats’

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  • Gastrointestinal Issues

    Cats generally face the same gastrointestinal problems that humans or other animals do. If your cat has frequent diarrhea or episodes of vomiting, or other gastrointestinal (GI) issues, make an appointment with your feline veterinarian immediately. Here are a few common GI problems many cats face. Inflammatory

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  • Dentistry

    Over 85% of dogs and cats have some type of periodontal disease. Periodontal disease simply means that the gums and bone that hold the teeth in place are being destroyed by oral bacteria. This preventable disease is the number one diagnosed disease in our pets, yet many animals suffer needlessly. Periodontal

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  • Wow! Thanks to all the staff at Anderson Vet Clinic. I feel like you all truly love what you do! My kitty, Lola and I always have such a pleasant experience when we come in. I would not leave Lola in anyone else’s hands but yours!

    - Maya Smith / Los Angeles, CA
  • I have benefited tremendously from the care my pet received from Dr. Anderson. I cannot thank him and his team enough for the treatment we received when my puppy suddenly became ill.

    - John Doe / San Diego, CA
  • Fabio wasn’t eating the food I was giving him. Thanks to Dr. Anderson, he evaluated Fabio and his current diet to make some recommendations. You clearly are an expert in your field...thanks so much!

    - Tara Brown / Kansas City, MO

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