

You might enjoy feeding the ducks at the pond. When you see them interact with their environment, it may make you smile. Ultimately, this could provoke you to want to go out and buy one, so you have that feeling all the time. While you might not think that a duck takes a great deal of work, there's more entailed than what you think. Therefore, you should understand the basics before you decide that a duck is for you.

General Information

Ducks aren't indoor pets. You need to have an outdoor space for them where they have room to walk about and can get fresh air and sunshine. You want to have more than one duck. Ducks are social creatures and will get lonely easily if you're not around for prolonged periods. Ultimately, it's best to have at least two ducks if you're going to have ducks.

A duck can learn to play with toys. They can even understand commands if you spend enough time with them to train them. When you spend time with ducks regularly, they become more used to humans. You'll even be able to snuggle with your duck. It's easier to achieve this when you purchase a duck when he or she is young.

Your duck will need fresh water each day. Make sure you clean out the bowl daily to ensure that it remains clean. You'll want to purchase a dish that's big enough for them to stick their entire head in, but it shouldn't be too deep that if they go into the water, they can't get back out.


You'll need some type of outdoor housing for your duck. A dog house will work if you don't want to purchase a house specifically for a duck. Since you should have two ducks, you'll want a space for them that's at least 2 feet by three feet. They won't spend much time in the house, but you should have a place for them to escape the rain and when it gets too hot out.

You don't need to have a pond for them. Although they like the water, it's not necessary for them to survive. You could fill a baby pool and give them a place to splash around occasionally.

Ducks don't require a great deal of work, but they don't enjoy being isolated and need room to roam. If you're looking for a trainable pet, this might be an option for you.

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    - John Doe / San Diego, CA
  • Fabio wasn’t eating the food I was giving him. Thanks to Dr. Anderson, he evaluated Fabio and his current diet to make some recommendations. You clearly are an expert in your field...thanks so much!

    - Tara Brown / Kansas City, MO

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